Author: Editor
Lord Jesus, Thou art Lord of all,
With glory ever crowned;
In power and in majesty
Thou art to all renowned.
As God in man, on earth Thou wast,
A slave-form Thou didst own;
As man in God, in heav’n Thou art,
As Lord of all art known.
Thou art the Man in glory there,
And there by God enthroned;
All pow’r in heaven and on earth
Now by Thyself is owned.
Exalted highly to the heav’ns
And giv’n the highest Name,
All shall confess Thee as the Lord
And all bow at Thy Name.
God made Thee both the Lord and Christ,
The Spirit hath declared;
In glory and in heav’n we see
God’s throne by Thee is shared.
As Lord of glory we adore,
To Thee our song we raise;
We worship Thee as Lord of all,
How worthy of our praise!
Our old man has been crucified with Christ;
Yes, all we are in oldness He sufficed
To bring to naught upon the cross that He
Himself as our new Husband fully be
Enjoyed by us.
Yes, all our strength of independence died,
For we with Christ were fully crucified.
Now we’re so glad to be His proper wife,
Dependently enjoying Him as life
Our dying was not such a sad affair,
The new man was rejoicing to be there;
The old man dead and buried, we were free
To marry Christ, and live eternally,
His wife, fore’er.
Now as the new, regenerated man,
We do two things, according to God’s plan:
Bear fruit to God and serve in spirit new
So God becomes the fruit of all we do,
And all we are.
There are three laws in Romans seven, see—
The law of God; the mind, the good old me;
The sinful law indwelling bodily;
Yet from these all the Lord has set us free,
To live by Him.
In Romans eight the law of Spirit is,
Where we’re in Christ, and we are fully His,
The law of life has set us wholly free
And Christ becomes our life eternally,
Something every heart is loving:
If not Jesus, none can rest;
Lord, my heart to Thee is given;
Take it, for it loves Thee best.
Thus I cast the world behind me;
Jesus most beloved shall be;
Beauteous more than all things beauteous,
He alone is joy to me.
Bright with all eternal radiance
Is the glory of Thy face;
Thou art loving, sweet, and tender,
Full of pity, full of grace.
When I hated, Thou didst love me,
Shedd’st for me Thy precious blood;
Still Thou lovest, lovest ever,
Shall I not love Thee, my God?
Keep my heart still faithful to Thee,
That my earthly life may be
But a shadow to that glory
Of my hidden life in Thee.
I love my Lord, but with no love of mine,
For I have none to give;
I love Thee, Lord, but all the love is Thine,
For by Thy love I live.
I am as nothing, and rejoice to be
Emptied, and lost, and swallowed up in Thee.
Thou, Lord, alone, art all Thy children need,
And there is none beside;
From Thee the streams of blessedness proceed,
In Thee the bless’d abide.
Fountain of life, and all-abounding grace,
Our source, our center, and our dwelling-place.
God’s Kingdom on the earth is now
His sovereign government within;
’Tis Christ Himself in us to live
As Lord and King to rule and reign.
His life with His authority
Enthrones Him now within our hearts
To govern all our words and deeds
And regulate our inward parts.
The Lord enthroned within our hearts
His Kingdom doth establish there,
Assuring His full right to reign
And for God’s purpose to prepare.
’Tis by His reign within our hearts
That life to us He e’er supplies;
When taking Him as Lord and King,
His wealth our being satisfies.
’Tis by His ruling from within
His fulness vast is testified;
’Tis when His inner kingdom rules
His Body’s blessed and edified.
’Tis by His heav’nly rule within
As heav’nly citizens we live;
’Tis by submission to His rule
Expression of His reign we give.
Here in this heav’nly realm we live,
And with this heav’nly pow’r possessed
We walk and fight in heav’nly light
Until the Kingdom’s manifest.
We have a most glorious King;
The heavens, He says, are His throne;
All worlds are His mighty domain,
All kingdoms His scepter shall own.
He dwells with His people below,
He loves in their trials to share;
We dwell with the King for His work,
His burden we willingly bear.
I’m dwelling with Jesus my King;
I’ve found where He dwells with His own;
I’ve opened the door of my heart;
He’s made it His temple and throne.
Like Mary I sit at His feet,
Like John I recline on His breast;
His presence is fulness of joy,
His bosom is infinite rest.
I dwell with the King for His work,
I’ve part in His glorious plan
To bring in His kingdom to earth
And tell His salvation to man.
The world has its work and rewards,
I count them but folly and loss;
My business is only His work,
My message is only His cross.
I dwell with the King for His work,
The work, it is His and not mine;
He plans and prepares it for me
And fills me with power divine.
So duty is changed to delight,
And prayer into praise as I sing;
I dwell with my King for His work
And work in the strength of my King.
We’ll dwell with the King for His work
And work thru each day of the year.
Perhaps ere it passes, the King
In glory Himself shall appear.
Oh, then in some closer embrace,
Oh, then in some nobler employ
We’ll dwell with the King for His work
In endless, ineffable joy!
Hallelujah! Christ is Victor,
Tell with every breath,
That the Savior still is conqu’ror
Over sin and death.
Hallelujah! Christ is Victor,
Tell where’er you go,
That the Lord is still the conqu’ror,
Over every foe.
Hallelujah! Christ is Victor,
Pain and sickness flee,
When we plead the mighty victory
Won on Calvary.
Hallelujah! Christ is Victor,
Therefore do and dare;
Go wherever Jesus sends you
In prevailing prayer.
Hallelujah! Christ is Victor,
No defeat nor fear
Evermore must dim thy vision!
Christ the way will clear.
Hallelujah! Christ is Victor,
Soon His voice shall ring,
“Come ye conquerors, come up hither,
Join thy conquering King.”
I’ve found the One of peerless worth,
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ I have:
Oh, what a Christ have I!
My Christ, He is the Lamb of God,
Who full salvation brings;
He is the Sun of Righteousness,
With healing in His wings.
My Christ, He is the Tree of Life
With fruit abundant, sweet;
My hunger He doth satisfy;
Of Him I daily eat.
My Christ, He is the smitten Rock
Whence living waters burst;
He is the fountain in my heart
Which quenches all my thirst.
Christ is my life, my light, my way,
My comfort and my health,
My peace, my rest, my joy, my hope,
My glory and my wealth.
Christ is my wisdom and my pow’r,
My boast and righteousness,
My vict’ry and redemption sure,
My truth and holiness.
Christ is my Savior, Shepherd, Lord,
My Advocate above,
My Counsellor, my Father, God,
My Brother, Friend, and Love.
Christ is my Captain and my Guard,
My Teacher and my Guide,
My Bridegroom, Master and my Head;
In me doth He reside.
Christ is my Prophet, Priest, and King;
My Prophet full of sight;
My Priest that stands ‘twixt me and God,
My King that rules with might.
Christ is the Author of my faith,
And its Perfecter too,
My Mediator, Guarantee,
And faithful Witness true.
Christ is my everlasting home,
My all-sufficient land;
My fortress, tower, hiding-place,
And my eternal stand.
Christ is my sabbath and new moon,
My morning and my day,
My age and my eternity
That ne’er will pass away.
Christ is my trust and my desire,
In comeliness replete,
My satisfaction and delight,
Who all my need doth meet.
My Christ, the all-inclusive One,
My Christ what shall I call?
He is the first, He is the last,
My Christ is All in all.
Since such a treasure I possess,
My heart doth sing for joy;
And I must sing, and sing again;
Oh, what a Christ have I!
Christ the Son of God and His redemptive deed
Are the saving faith which is our only creed.
All the other doctrines do not faith comprise;
Christ, His work and person, only qualifies.
All the other teachings used improperly
Are the “winds of doctrine,” spoiling unity:
Blowing saints away from Christ who is the Head,
Building not the Body, tearing down instead.
Thus we must relinquish doctrines of all kinds,
Only keep the faith that oneness we may find.
In the Lord the Spirit we are one indeed;
Just to keep this oneness is our only need.
Truth we must be holding, which is Christ Himself,
That we be delivered from the sects of self,
That in all things growing into Christ the Head,
Built will be the Body and to fulness led.
To the “unity of faith” we must attain,
All the “winds of doctrine” evermore disdain;
Holding Christ the Spirit, our reality,
For the Body’s growing in its unity.