There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
He’s pure and He’s holy,
Triumphant and free.
He’s wise and He’s loving
How tender is He!
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
His Life in the glory,
My life must be.
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
He overcame Satan;
From bondage He’s free.
In Life He is reigning;
How kingly is He!
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
His Life in the glory,
My life must be.
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
In Him is no sickness;
No weakness has He.
He’s strong and in vigor,
How buoyant is He!
His Life in the glory
My life may be;
His Life in the glory
My life may be.
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
His peace is abiding;
How patient is He!
He’s joyful and radiant,
Expecting to see
His Life in the glory
Lived out in me;
His Life in the glory
Lived out in me.

Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood,
Of the New Testament!
By it God’s blessings we receive,
And we with Him are blent.

“Tis by Thy blood we’ve been redeemed,
And by it sanctified.
Now is our conscience free from sin,
From dead works purified.
Better than Abel’s, now Thy blood
Speaks unto God for us.
Perfect redemption it provides,
Meeting God’s righteousness.
Through the eternal Spirit, Thou
Offeredst Thyself to God.
This sacrifice can ne’er grow old;
Timeless is Thy dear blood.
’Tis by Thy blood we boldly come
Unto the throne of grace,
Unto our God, the cov’nant new,
And to the Holiest Place.
Lord, by Thy blood, God is obliged
His very Self to give;
He must receive us to Himself,
And He in us must live.
Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood
Of the New Testament!
By it God’s blessings we receive,
And we with Him are blent.

O how nigh the Lord is unto all who call on Him!
When we call, His very presence strengthens us within.
Seeking Jesus, He is found, and calling, He is near—
O what a comfort to our hearts to call His name so dear!

Jesus! O what a name!
O Lord Jesus! Life-giving name!
Name victorious, name all-glorious,
Name exalted—O what a name!
Jesus! Strengthening name!
O Lord Jesus! Comforting name!
Name to breathe in prayer, calling everywhere,
“O Lord Jesus!” O what a name!

Call upon the name of Jesus, and you will be saved,
O Lord Jesus, hallelujah, nevermore enslaved!
We may take salvation’s cup by calling on the Lord;
Salvation from a host of things does His dear name afford.

To the Lord, the Jew, the Greek and everyone’s the same;
He is rich unto all men that call upon His name.
O Lord Jesus, what a joy to call and really live;
When breathing in Thy name, what pleasure Thou
to us dost give.

In the God of our salvation we may take delight,
Calling on His name at all times, though in bliss or blight.
I will call upon His name as long as I shall live,
Because He has inclined His ear, and grace so full does give.
We will call upon the Lord, who’s worthy of our praise;
Thus our grateful hearts in worship we to Him may raise.
We are those who call upon His name in every place
With all the saints who from a pure heart call and taste His grace.


What love Thou hast bestowed on us,
We thank Thee from our heart;
Our Father, we would worship Thee
And praise for all Thou art.

Thy heart Thou hast revealed to us,
Made known th’ eternal will;
Within the Son Thou hast come forth,
Thy purpose to fulfill.

Thou gavest Thy beloved Son
In love to come and die,
That we may be Thy many sons,
As heirs with Him, made nigh.

Through Him we have Thy very life
And Thou our Father art;
Thy very nature, all Thyself,
Thou dost to us impart.

Thy Spirit into ours has come
That we may “Abba” cry;
Of Spirit born, with Spirit sealed,
To be transformed thereby.

The many sons to glory brought
Is Thine eternal goal,
And to Thy Son’s own image wrought,
Thou wilt conform the whole.

Throughout Thy transformation work
Thou dost direct each one,
From glory unto glory bring
Until the work is done.

What love Thou, Father, hast bestowed;
We’ll ever grateful be;
We’ll worship Thee forevermore
And praise unceasingly.