Pray with one accord in spirit,
Not according to our thought,
But alone by the anointing,
As the Lord has ever sought.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
Not according to our thought,
But alone by the anointing,
As the Lord has ever sought.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
By the cross deny the soul;
All desires and all intentions
Let the Spirit now control.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
By the cross deny the soul;
All desires and all intentions
Let the Spirit now control.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
Pray as in the heavenlies;
All the earthly interests treading,
Fight the principalities.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
Pray as in the heavenlies;
All the earthly interests treading,
Fight the principalities.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
Supplicate relatedly;
Seek the Lord, His mind, His leading,
In the Spirit’s harmony.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
Supplicate relatedly;
Seek the Lord, His mind, His leading,
In the Spirit’s harmony.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
Pray and watch persistently;
For God’s kingdom and His glory,
Pray and watch in harmony.
Pray with one accord in spirit,
Pray and watch persistently;
For God’s kingdom and His glory,
Pray and watch in harmony.
Pray with one accord in spirit
Seeking God in unity;
In the Spirit of the Body
Ever pray in harmony.
Pray with one accord in spirit
Seeking God in unity;
In the Spirit of the Body
Ever pray in harmony.