It is God’s intent and pleasure
To have Christ revealed in me,
Nothing outward as religion,
But His Christ within to be.

It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ be wrought in me;
Nothing outwardly performing,
But His Christ my all to be.

It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ may live in me;
Nothing as an outward practise,
But Christ working inwardly.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ be formed in me;
Not the outward forms to follow,
But Christ growing inwardly.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ make home in me;
Not just outwardly to serve Him,
But Christ dwelling inwardly.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ my hope may be;
It is not objective glory,
But ‘tis Christ subjectively.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ be all in me;
Nothing outwardly possessing,
But His Christ eternally.

How lovely is Thy dwelling-place!
Within Thy courts I long to be;
Thy presence, Lord, my spirit craves,
For this my heart cries out to Thee.
At Thy burnt-offering altar, Lord,
And at Thine incense altar blest,
Even the sparrow finds a home,
And swallow there prepares her nest.
Men, as the sparrow, frail and small,
When living in Thy house find rest,
Relying on the altar’s blood,
Enjoying there the incense blest.
How blessed are those men indeed!
Trusting in Thee they are made strong;
Highways to Zion in their hearts,
The way they care not, rough or long.
Passing the weeping valley they
Make it a place of springing wells;
The rain with blessings covers it
And in the way God’s mercy tells.
From strength to strength they go, and all
Before the Lord in Zion meet;
Thus ever seeking Thine own self,
They need Thy care and grace replete.
Better a day within Thy courts
Than days a thousand I would tell;
I’d rather at Thy threshold stand
Than in the wicked’s tents to dwell.
Thou art a sun, Thou art a shield,
Thou grace and glory wilt supply;
Thy presence and Thy very self
My need in fulness satisfy.
Not one good thing wilt Thou withhold
From those who walk in uprightness;
Bless’d is the man that trusts in Thee
With grace and glory measureless.

We are never weary singing our eternal song:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We would sing His praise forever with our spirit strong:
Glory to God, hallelujah!

O the children of the Lord have a wondrous song to sing,
For the Lord will by His grace many sons to glory bring.
We are going in that day to the presence of the King:
Glory to God, hallelujah!

We are lost amid the rapture of redeeming love:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are seeking every moment all its grace to prove:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are going on to glory as the Lord has told:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
Where the King in all His beauty we shall soon behold:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
There we’ll sing His grace and mercy in a glad new song:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
There we’ll praise our glorious Savior with the blessed throng:
Glory to God, hallelujah!

Christ comes quickly for His Bride,
Wedding feast He will provide,
Garments bright and pure supplied—
Dress in time!
Taking Christ as life she’s dressed,
By much suffering stitched and pressed;
Righteous acts are thus possessed—
Dress in time!

Be in time! Be in time!
For the marriage feast of Jesus
Be in time!
If your soul life you deny
And the Spirit you apply,
Then you’ll fully qualify—
Be in time!

Virgins Christ comes quickly for,
Those with oil an extra store,
Not the fools who oil ignore—
Buy in time!
For the oil a price we pay,
Deal with self without delay,
Fill your vessels every day—
Buy in time!
For His servants Christ will come
And reward each faithful one;
Slothful ones will be undone—
Serve in time!
Make your single talent count,
All self’s problems now surmount,
Serve with Christ, the living fount—
Serve in time!
Christ comes quickly for His grain,
Ripened firstfruits to obtain;
Unripe harvest will remain—
Ripen now!
From earth’s water grain must dry,
From the world your soul deny;
To mature the self must die—
Ripen now!
Overcomers Christ will take,
Those who all for Him forsake,
Those who of first love partake—
Win in time!
All the deadness overcome,
With the living Christ be one,
Toward the goal now swiftly run—
Win in time!
Christ comes for His kingdom too;
Heav’nly reign we must pursue,
Let His rule our self subdue—
Yield in time!
Rebel self must be dethroned,
Lessons must not be postponed,
Quickly yield to Christ enthroned—
Yield in time!

Fairest Lord Jesus!
Ruler of all nature!
O Thou of God and man the Son!
Thee will I cherish,
Thee will I honor,
Thou, my soul’s glory, joy, and crown!

Fair are the meadows
Fairer still the woodlands,
Robed in the blooming garb of spring;
Jesus is fairer,
Jesus is purer,
Who makes the woeful heart to sing!

Fair is the sunshine,
Fairer still the moonlight,
And all the twinkling starry host;
Jesus shines brighter,
Jesus shines purer,
Than all the angels heav’n can boast!

All fairest beauty,
Heavenly and earthly,
Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee;
None can be nearer,
Fairer, or dearer,
Than Thou my Savior art to me.

Christ is the mystery of God;
God is invisible, unshown,
His image man hath never seen,
But Christ the Son hath made Him known.

Christ is the very Word of God,
He is God’s explanation true;
God’s full embodiment is He
And God’s own image brings to view.

Image of God invisible,
Effulgence of God’s glory fair;
God’s fulness ever dwells in Him,
God’s testimony He doth bear.

The Church the myst’ry is of Christ,
For He is now to man unshown;
No man on earth may see Him now,
But thru the Church He is made known.

The Church is Christ’s expression full,
In her Christ dwelleth bodily;
She is His duplication true,
And man in her Himself may see.

The Church the image has of Christ,
She is His increase and His spread;
Christ’s very self is found in her
The Body, she, to Christ the Head.

Thus, in the Son the Father is,
And now the Spirit is the Son;
The Spirit of the triune God
Is in the Church and with her one.

What love Thou hast bestowed on us,
We thank Thee from our heart;
Our Father, we would worship Thee
And praise for all Thou art.

Thy heart Thou hast revealed to us,
Made known th’ eternal will;
Within the Son Thou hast come forth,
Thy purpose to fulfill.

Thou gavest Thy beloved Son
In love to come and die,
That we may be Thy many sons,
As heirs with Him, made nigh.

Through Him we have Thy very life
And Thou our Father art;
Thy very nature, all Thyself,
Thou dost to us impart.

Thy Spirit into ours has come
That we may “Abba” cry;
Of Spirit born, with Spirit sealed,
To be transformed thereby.

The many sons to glory brought
Is Thine eternal goal,
And to Thy Son’s own image wrought,
Thou wilt conform the whole.

Throughout Thy transformation work
Thou dost direct each one,
From glory unto glory bring
Until the work is done.

What love Thou, Father, hast bestowed;
We’ll ever grateful be;
We’ll worship Thee forevermore
And praise unceasingly.

1 God our Father, we adore Thee,
For the sake of righteousness;
Thou in Christ hast justified us,
Who our conscience can depress?
Thou art righteous, and art faithful,
On Thy righteousness we stand;
No unrighteousness is in Thee,
None can turn Thy righteous hand.

2 Thou hast laid our sins on Jesus,
By Thy justice He was killed;
All Thy holy law’s requirements
For Thy justice He fulfilled.
Recompense from Him receiving,
Thou art fully satisfied;
How couldst Thou, O God most righteous,
Claim it once more from our side?
3 Father God, Thou hast accepted
Jesus as our Substitute;
Judged the Just One for the unjust,
Couldst Thou change Thy attitude?
As a proof of perfect justice,
At Thine own right hand He sits;
He, as Thy full satisfaction,
Righteously Thy need befits.
4 Father, through the blood of Jesus
We possess Thy righteousness;
By Thy righteousness protected,
None can shake our stedfastness.
Righteousness of Thine Thou mad’st us,
None can ever us condemn;
We’ll forever testify this
In the new Jerusalem.

There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
He’s pure and He’s holy,
Triumphant and free.
He’s wise and He’s loving
How tender is He!
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
His Life in the glory,
My life must be.
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
He overcame Satan;
From bondage He’s free.
In Life He is reigning;
How kingly is He!
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
His Life in the glory,
My life must be.
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
In Him is no sickness;
No weakness has He.
He’s strong and in vigor,
How buoyant is He!
His Life in the glory
My life may be;
His Life in the glory
My life may be.
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
His peace is abiding;
How patient is He!
He’s joyful and radiant,
Expecting to see
His Life in the glory
Lived out in me;
His Life in the glory
Lived out in me.

Your ministry, O Lord,
How excellent it is;
A better covenant,
And better promises;
Enacted on a better law.
Of such You are Executor.
A better covenant,
And better promises;
A better law of life
And sacrifice this is.
Redemption’s work, done long ago,
A better blood has made it so.
In Hebrews eight we see
The way to make us whole;
Life planted deep within,
Which spreads into the soul.
The law of life, imparted, still
Inscribed in mind, emotion, will.
The law of letters leave,
The law of life pursue;
The one is old and dead,
The other fresh and new.
Dead teachings cannot help the seed;
The law of life is what we need.
The law of life in us,
In function now we see,
Works not by will and thought
But automatically.
It saturates, conforms to Him;
The standard model spreads within.
Our sins are all forgiv’n,
His life imparted too;
God is our God today,
And we’re His people true.
We know Him in an inward way:
These blessings four have come to stay.
We’re being sonized now;
The life within will do
The deep transforming work
Of making us anew.
In ages past, the work was done—
Now prayer is over—praise the Son!

We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender;
We go not forth alone against the foe;
Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender.
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.

Yea, in Thy Name, O Captain of salvation!
In Thy dear Name, all other names above;
Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,
Our Prince of glory and our King of love.

We go in faith, our own great weakness feeling,
And needing more each day Thy grace to know:
Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing;
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.

We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender:
Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise
When reigning in the Kingdom of Thy splendor;
Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.

Upon the throne of Jesus Christ
We’ve taken up our seat.
The world and Satan, sin and self
Are all beneath our feet!
Christ’s finished work did put us here.
When once for all He died;
No more are we the sinners poor,
We’re fully glorified.

We’re dwelling in the house of God,
The church life glorious.
The shrinking-back, low Christian life,
Is not the life for us!
We’re passing through the Holy Place
Of mind, emotion, will;
We’re dwelling in the Holiest
Where God our being fills.

We’re under the New Covenant,
With glorious items, three:
The law of life, spontaneous,
Transforming utterly;
We are His people, He’s our God—
Oh, bless’d reality;
We all are fully able now
To know God inwardly.

A supplement God added then;
This item we must know:
Christ Jesus did put sin away
Two thousand years ago.
No memory of sin at all,
It’s hist’ry, done and gone;
In spirit now the law of life
Will take us swiftly on.

Two things accomplished by our Lord
On Calvary’s cross, we see:
The law of life, the end of sin!
Our God’s economy.
Since all His work was finished there,
He entered into rest;
Now on the throne He prays that we
Will take our full bequest.

We’ll drop our former concepts, Lord,
To take this finished way;
Appropriating each bequest,
We’ll praise You more each day.
We’ll heed our High Priest’s inward call—
“Come forward!” to the end—
Until we reach the final goal;
The New Jerusalem!

 Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor!
He has won the victory!
Sin is judged, old Adam finished,
Full redemption now we see!
Vanquished all the evil powers
Thru the Cross triumphantly!

Praise Him! Christ is resurrected!
God hath raised Him from the dead!
All the pow’r of death is swallowed,
Man from death to life is led!
Broken through are hell and darkness
And His pow’r exhibited!

Praise Him’ Christ hath now ascended!
God hath raised Him to the throne!
Far above all rule and power,
He the highest Name doth own!
All authority receiving
Till His foe is overthrown!

Hallelujah, Christ the Victor
Triumphed on Mt. Calvary!
Hallelujah, resurrected,
He displays His victory!
Hallelujah, now ascended,
He shall reign eternallY!

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!
Unto everlasting days our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, Holy, Holy, Merciful and Mighty!
God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity!

Holy, Holy, Holy! all the saints adore Thee;
Heaven’s elders cast their crowns down by the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim worship too before Thee,
Who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.

Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see,
Only Thou art holy, there is none beside Thee
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.


The Lord shall get the glory
If we will sing His praise,
And angel hosts will listen
When we our voices raise;
The world around will hear us
Give glory unto God,
And Satan’s hosts will tremble
And flee our conqu’ring rod.

Our mouth shut up defeats us
And wins the Devil’s smile;
So why not open battle
And chase him all the while.
By “sacrifice of praises”
And shouts of victory—
’Twill cost us but our faces
God’s chosen fools to be!

The world has never helped us
To shout our Savior’s praise,
Nor given Him the glory
Nor lent one thankful phrase;
So need we ask permission
To praise th’ ascended Lord?
Cry out! Release your spirit!
Much grace He does afford!

O brothers, be not silent!
O sisters, cry aloud!
The sound shall tell God’s triumph
And blessings far abroad.
Now is the time to praise Him,
Yes now, at any cost!
O joy in your salvation,
And in His mercy boast.

A mighty flowing-out is God,
He flows throughout the ages.
And so to flow Himself to man
He is in many stages;
Yet still one God is He,
One flow eternally;
His stages pave the way
To flow through man today,
And now He flows within us!

In the beginning we can see,
God as a flowing river,
The river to convey the tree,
Himself as life deliver.
And at the end the same,
The river doth remain,
God in the Lamb doth flow,
The tree prevails to grow,
And God flows on forever.

God flowed Himself into a man,
The man we call Christ Jesus.
He gave up His own life for man
And God’s own life releases.
Though Satan did his best
To put God’s flow to rest—
He had Him crucified
And cruelly pierced His side—
But out came blood and water!

The blood and water flowed from Him,
In streams of pure salvation.
The blood brings cleansing from all sin;
Water, regeneration.
And now the Spirit flows,
Brings God where’er He goes.
All he could do, the foe,
Was just release the flow.
And God just keeps on flowing.

Gracious Lord, Thy name “I AM” is,
Precious name, how rich and full ‘tis,
All-inclusive, faithful too ‘tis-
All we need, Thou art!

Thou the Son, the Father in Thee,
As the Spirit now indwell me,
That the riches of Thyself we
May experience.

Thou the Temple for God’s dwelling,
Thou the Father’s life e’er telling;
We in Thee with joy excelling
Face to face see Him.

Thou the Lamb and Thou the Bridegroom,
For the bride Thou sufferedst sin’s doom,
Wounded, crucified in our room;
Thus we find our rest.

Thou art wisdom and the way, Lord,
Thou our lives dost plan each day, Lord,
Grace to us Thou dost convey, Lord,
In Thy path to walk.

Pure and holy, righteous Thou art,
One with God, well-pleasing His heart,
Thou within to us dost impart
Harmony with God.

Thou art life and Thou art light, Lord,
Death hast swallowed, banished night, Lord,
Thou hast quickened, given sight, Lord;
We are now set free.

Thou art resurrection power,
Thou the conqu’ror in hell’s hour;
Thou dost us with might empower
Over all to reign.

Living water, food supply, Lord,
Thou Thyself art, and didst die, Lord,
All our want to satisfy, Lord;
Now we feast on Thee.

Thou the Shepherd and Physician,
Thou hast healed our sick condition;
Comfort, guide, protect-Thy mission;
Thou dost care for us.

Priest and King Thou art fore’er, Lord;
Into God we’re brought, and there, Lord,
Thine authority we share, Lord;
What an honored place!

Thou our Hope and our Redemption,
Thou wilt change our old creation,
Make of Thee a duplication,
Thus Thyself express.

Thou our Joy, our Peace, our Glory;
Truth, and Grace, the Rock, the Life-tree,
Building, Mountain, Sun, and Shield-we
Ne’er can tell it all.

What Thou art-eternal, boundless,
Full and perfect, rich, exhaustless-
Meets our need to utter fullness
And from us o’erflows.

Thou art love-and Thou art light, Lord,
In the Son as life Thou art;
Love expressing, light illum’ning,
Thou dost life to us impart.
Thou art love! Thou art light!
In the Son as life Thou art;
Love expressing, light illum’ning
Thou dost life to us impart.

Love bespeaks Thy very being,
What Thou dost is shown by light;
Love is inward, light is outward,
Love accompanies the light.

Love by grace is manifested,
And the light by truth is shown;
By Thy love we may enjoy Thee;
By Thy light Thou, Lord, art known.

Thru Thy love, which led to Calvary,
We receive the life of God;
Light our understanding opens,
That we may apply the blood.

Thru Thy love, as life Thou enter’st
Fellowship with Thee to give;
Thru Thy light we take Thy cleansing
And in fellowship may live.

By the light and blood which cleanses,
The anointing we shall know;
Then the life of love Thine essence,
More and more in us will flow.

By Thy love we are Thy children,
Abba Father calling Thee;
Light disperses all our darkness,
Till, like Him, Thy Son, we see.

O what grace! O what truth!
Love is seen and light is shown!
We would praise Thee never ceasing,
Thou by love and light art known!

 Lo! in heaven Jesus sitting,
Christ the Lord is there enthroned;
As the man by God exalted,
With God’s glory He is crowned.

He hath put on human nature,
Died according to God’s plan,
Resurrected with a body,
And ascended as a man.

God in Him on earth was humbled,
God with man was domiciled;
Man in Him in heav’n exalted,
Man with God is reconciled.

He as God with man is mingled,
God in man is testified;
He as man with God is blended,
Man in God is glorified.

From the Glorified in heaven
The inclusive Spirit came;
All of Jesus’ work and Person
Doth this Spirit here proclaim.

With the Glorified in heaven
Is the Church identified;
By the Spirit of this Jesus
Are His members edified.


 Lo! a man is now in heaven
As the Lord of all enthroned;
This is Jesus Christ our Savior,
With God’s glory ever crowned!

God’s eternal purpose
Is to join with man,
Causing man, His vessel,
To be born again,
His own life imparting,
Filling to the brim;
Man may thus express Him,
And be one with Him.

God in His own image
Hath created man,
That he may be able
To fulfill His plan;
That he may receive Him
As the tree of life
To become His fulness
As to man the wife.

In His life’s rich flowing
Man will be transformed
Into precious substance
And to Him conformed.
Thus will man be builded
As His counterpart,
Thus to be His dwelling,
Satisfy His heart.

 ’Tis the holy city,
New Jerusalem;
With His saints God mingles,
Makes His home with them.
He becomes their content,
His expression they;
They shall share His glory,
One with Him for aye.

He’s the very center,
Ruling on the throne;
By His life the power,
Saints are kept in one.
By His light of glory,
They are kept in light,
Harmony enjoying
In divine delight.

 He’s their living water,
And their food supply;
All their thirst and hunger
He doth satisfy.
He’s for them the temple,
In Himself they live,
In His constant presence
Worship ever give.