Father, ’twas Thy love that knew us
Earth’s foundation long before:
That same love to Jesus drew us
By its sweet constraining pow’r,
And will keep us, and will keep us,
Safely now, and evermore,
Safely now, and evermore.
Now that changeless love enfolds us,
All its wealth on us bestows;
While its pow’r unchanging holds us
In a holy calm repose.
God and Father, God and Father,
Unto Thee our worship flows,
Unto Thee our worship flows.
God of love, our souls adore Thee!
We would still Thy grace proclaim,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
And in glory praise Thy name;
Praise and worship, praise and worship
Be to God and to the Lamb!
Be to God and to the Lamb!