Full salvation! Full salvation!
Lo, the fountain opened wide,
Streams through every land and nation
From the Savior’s wounded side.
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Streams an endless crimson tide.
Oh, the glorious revelation!
See the cleansing current flow,
Washing stains of condemnation
Whiter than the driven snow:
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Oh, the rapturous bliss to know.
Love’s resistless current sweeping
All the regions deep within;
Thought, and wish, and senses keeping
Now, and every instant, clean:
Full salvation! Full salvation!
From the guilt and power of sin.
Life immortal, Christ descending,
Lo! my heart the Spirit’s shrine:
God and man in oneness blending,
Oh, what fellowship is mine!
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Raised in Christ to life divine!
Care and doubting, gloom and sorrow,
Fear and shame are mine no more;
Faith knows naught of dark tomorrow,
For my Savior goes before:
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Full and free for evermore!

A flowing river and a tree,
Eden’s outstanding features are,
Man to supply with food and drink
That he may live fore’er.

God is in Christ to be my supply,
God as the Spirit nourisheth me;
If upon Christ in spirit I feed,
Filled with His life I’ll be.

The tree the glorious Christ does show
As living food to man supplied,
That he God’s riches may enjoy,
Thus to be satisfied.
The river does the Spirit show,
Coming man’s spirit to supply,
That with God’s riches he be filled,
Holy to be thereby.
The Christ of glory is my life,
He as the Spirit lives in mine,
That I with God be fully blent
And in His image shine.
I would exalt this glorious Christ,
Ever the Spirit I’d obey,
Making His glory fully known,
Filled with His grace for aye.

I’ve believed the true report,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
I have passed the outer court,
O glory be to God!
I am all on Jesus’ side,
On the altar sanctified,
To the world and sin I’ve died,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I have passed the riven veil,
Here the glories never fail,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I am living in the presence
of the King.

I’m a king and priest to God,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
By the cleansing of the blood,
O glory be to God!
By the Spirit’s pow’r and light,
I am living day and night,
In the holiest place so bright,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!

I have passed the outer veil,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Which did once God’s light conceal,
O glory be to God!
But the blood has brought me in
To God’s holiness so clean,
Where there’s death to self and sin,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!

I’m within the holiest pale,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
I have passed the inner veil,
O glory be to God!
I am sanctified to God
By the power of the blood,
Now the Lord is my abode
Hallelujah to the Lamb!

Father, ’twas Thy love that knew us
Earth’s foundation long before:
That same love to Jesus drew us
By its sweet constraining pow’r,
And will keep us, and will keep us,
Safely now, and evermore,
Safely now, and evermore.
Now that changeless love enfolds us,
All its wealth on us bestows;
While its pow’r unchanging holds us
In a holy calm repose.
God and Father, God and Father,
Unto Thee our worship flows,
Unto Thee our worship flows.
God of love, our souls adore Thee!
We would still Thy grace proclaim,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
And in glory praise Thy name;
Praise and worship, praise and worship
Be to God and to the Lamb!
Be to God and to the Lamb!

Oh, the church of Christ is glorious, and we are part of it—
We’re so happy that the Lord has made us one!
There’s a Body in the universe and we belong to it—
Hallelujah, for the Lord has made us one!
Hallelujah for the Body!
We are members of the Body!
We are wholly for the Body!
Hallelujah, for the Lord has made us one!

Not the individual Christians,
but a corporate entity—
God must have it for His full expression now;
Not just individual churches but the Body corporately—
Hallelujah, we are in the Body now!
Hallelujah for the Body!
Satan trembles at the Body!
We’re victorious in the Body!
Hallelujah, we are in the Body now!

There are seven golden lampstands in the nature all divine—
Nothing natural does the Body life allow.
When we’re one and share God’s nature,
how the lampstand then does shine—
Hallelujah, it is brightly shining now!
Hallelujah for the Body!
For the lampstands of the Body!
For the golden, shining Body!
Hallelujah, it is brightly shining now!

How may we express such oneness,
be divine and shining too?
Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way!
He’s the tree of life, the manna,
and the feast that’s ever new—
Hallelujah, we may eat Him every day!
We are one by eating Jesus!
We’re divine by eating Jesus!
How we shine by eating Jesus!
Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way!

“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
“Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!”
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Thou art all my life, Lord,
In me Thou dost live;
With Thee all God’s fulness
Thou to me dost give.
By Thy holy nature
I am sanctified,
By Thy resurrection,
Vict’ry is supplied.

Thy anointing Spirit
Me shall permeate,
All my soul and spirit
Thou wouldst saturate;
Every part transforming
Till conformed to Thee,
Till Thy life shall bring me
To maturity.

I would give myself, Lord,
Fully unto Thee,
That Thy heart’s desire
Be fulfilled in me.
I no more would struggle
To myself reform,
Thus in me to hinder
What Thou wouldst perform.

Now Thy flowing life, Lord,
Doth enlighten me,
Bringing in the spirit
Fellowship with Thee;
All my need supplying,
Making Thy demand,
Leading me to cleansing
And in Thee to stand.

Lord, Thy life abundant,
Flowing, rich and free,
Constantly refreshes
And empowers me.
Death by life is swallowed,
Weakness is made strong,
All my bonds are broken,
Gloom is turned to song.

I would cease completely
From my efforts vain,
Let Thy life transform me,
Full release to gain;
Build me up with others
Till in us Thou see
Thy complete expression
Glorifying Thee.  


My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst;
I come to Thee, Lord, to seek Thy supply;
All that I need is none other but Thee,
Thou canst my hunger and thirst satisfy.

Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.

Thou art the food and the water of life,
Thou canst revive me, my spirit upbear;
I long to eat and to drink here of Thee,
Thyself enjoy through my reading and prayer.

Thou art the Word with God’s fulness in Thee,
Thou too the Spirit that God my life be;
Thee in the Word I enjoy as my food,
Thou as the Spirit art water to me.

Thou from the heavens as food camest down,
Thou to be drink hast been smitten for me;
Thou as the food, my exhaustless supply,
Thou as the water, a stream unto me.

Thou in the Word art the Spirit and life,
Thus by the Word I may feed upon Thee;
Thou dost as Spirit in my spirit live,
Thus I may drink in the spirit of Thee.

Now to enjoy Thee I come to Thy Word,
On Thee to feed till my hunger is o’er.
Now in my spirit I turn unto Thee,
Of Thee to drink till I’m thirsty no more.

Feeding and drinking, Lord Jesus, of Thee,
Feeding by reading, and drinking by prayer;
Reading and praying, I eat and I drink,
Praying and reading-Lord, Thou art my fare.

Here, O my Lord, may I feast upon Thee;
Flood with Thy Spirit and fill by Thy Word;
May, Lord, Thou be such a feast unto me
As man hath never enjoyed nor e’er heard.

Arise, my soul, arise!
Shake off thy guilty fears;
The bleeding Sacrifice
In my behalf appears.
Before the throne my Surety stands;
My name is written on His hands.
He ever lives above
For me to intercede,
His all-redeeming love,
His precious blood to plead.
His blood was shed for all our race,
And sprinkles now the throne of grace.
Five bleeding wounds He bears,
Received on Calvary;
They pour effectual prayers;
They strongly speak for me.
Forgive him, O forgive, they cry,
Nor let that ransomed sinner die!
The Father hears Him pray,
His dear anointed One;
He cannot turn away
The presence of His Son.
His Spirit answers to the blood,
And tells me I am born of God.
To God I’m reconciled,
His pardoning voice I hear;
He owns me for His child,
I can no longer fear.
With confidence I now draw nigh,
And Father, Abba, Father, cry.

In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace,
Grace as a river shall flow;
In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace,
Grace as a river shall flow.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Grace as a river shall flow;
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Grace as a river shall flow.
In the holiest place, live before His face,
Light of glory thru me will shine;
In the holiest place, live before His face,
Light of glory thru me will shine.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Light of glory thru me will shine;
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Light of glory thru me will shine.
To the spirit turn, and the incense burn,
Touch the living fountain of life;
To the spirit turn, and the incense burn,
Touch the living fountain of life.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Touch the living fountain of life;
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Touch the living fountain of life.

It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine,
My Savior, Jesus; yet this soul of mine
Would of Thy love in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth, its everlasting strength,
Know more and more.
It passeth telling, that dear love of Thine,
My Savior, Jesus; yet these lips of mine
Would fain proclaim to sinners, far and near,
A love which can remove all guilty fear,
And love beget.
It passeth praises, that dear love of Thine,
My Savior, Jesus; yet this heart of mine
Would sing that love, so full, so rich, so free,
Which brings a rebel sinner, such as me,
Nigh unto God.
But though I cannot sing, or tell, or know
The fulness of Thy love, while here below,
My empty vessel I may freely bring;
O Thou, who art of love the living spring,
My vessel fill.
I am an empty vessel—not one thought
Or look of love to Thee I’ve ever brought;
Yet I may come, and come again to Thee,
With this the empty sinner’s only plea,
Thou lovest me.
Oh, fill me, Jesus, Savior, with Thy love!
Lead, lead me to the living fount above;
Thither may I, in simple faith draw nigh,
And never to another fountain fly,
But unto Thee.
Lord Jesus, when Thee face to face I see,
When on Thy lofty throne I sit with Thee,
Then of Thy love, in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth, its everlasting strength,
My soul shall sing.

God’s Kingdom today is a real exercise,
But when Christ comes to reign it will be a great prize;
It is wisdom divine that we now may be trained
That His plan be fulfilled and His justice maintained.
God’s children, we’re born to be kings with His Son,
And we need to be trained that we may overcome
And to know how to rule in His kingdom as kings,
That His kingship thru us be expressed o’er all things.
Today we must learn to submit to His throne,
How to have a strict life and His government own;
His authority then we’ll be able to share,
o’er the nations to rule with God’s Son as the heir.
With a life strict to self we must righteousness hold,
Kind to others in peace, and with God joyful, bold;
In the Kingdom’s reality e’er to remain,
For its manifestation prepared thus to reign.
Then Christ when He comes with the kingdom from God
Will to us grant His kingship to share as reward;
Thus the Lord will His righteousness thru us maintain
And His wisdom to heavenly powers make plain.
For this the Apostle pressed on at all cost,
For the Kingdom assured that he would not be lost;
’Tis for this he charged others, Be true to the Lord.
That the Kingdom might be unto them a reward.
O Lord, give us grace for Thy Kingdom to live,
To be trained that Thou may the reward to us give;
Make the Kingdom’s reality our exercise,
That its manifestation may be our great prize.

Father, long before creation,
Thou hadst chosen us in love;
And that love, so deep, so moving,
Draws us close to Christ above,
And will keep us, and will keep us,
Firmly fixed in Christ alone,
Firmly fixed in Christ alone.

God’s compassion is my story,
Is my boasting all the day;
Mercy free and never failing
Moves my will, directs my way.
God so loved us, God so loved us,
That His only Son He gave,
That His only Son He gave.

Though the world may change its fashion,
Yet our God is e’er the same;
His compassion and His cov’nant
Through all ages will remain.
God’s own children, God’s own children,
Must forever praise His name,
Must forever praise His name.

Loving Father, now before Thee
We will ever praise Thy love;
And our song will sound unceasing
Till we meet Thy Son above,
Giving glory, giving glory,
To our God and to the Lamb,
To our God and to the Lamb.

O God, Thou art the source of life,
Divine, and rich and free!
As living water flowing out
Unto eternity!

Though we in sin and wickedness
Went far from Thee apace,
Yet in the Son Thou didst redeem,
Bestowing life and grace.


Thou as the Spirit in the Son
Hast mingled heretofore;
Thou wilt thru fellowship anoint
And increase more and more.

The Father, Son, and Spirit-one,
So richly care for us;
Thy love with one accord we sing
And e’er would praise Thee thus.

In love Thou in the Son didst flow
Among the human race;
Thou dost as Spirit also flow
Within us thru Thy grace.

Though we have often slighted Thee,
Thy Spirit often grieved,
Yet Thou dost still as Spirit come
As life to be received.

The love of God, the grace of Christ,
The Spirit’s flowing free,
Enable us God’s wealth to share
Thru all eternity.

O glorious Christ, Savior mine,
Thou art truly radiance divine;
God infinite, in eternity,
Yet man in time, finite to be.

Oh! Christ, expression of God, the Great,
Inexhaustible, rich, and sweet!
God mingled with humanity
Lives in me my all to be.

All things of the Father are Thine;
All Thou art in Spirit is mine;
The Spirit makes Thee real to me,
That Thou experienced might be.

In spirit while gazing on Thee,
As a glass reflecting Thy glory,
Like to Thyself transformed I’ll be,
That Thou might be expressed thru me.
Thy Spirit will me saturate
Every part will God permeate,
Deliv’ring me from the old man,
With all saints building for His plan.

The fulness of God dwells in Thee;
Thou dost manifest God’s glory;
In flesh Thou hast redemption wrought;
As Spirit, oneness with me sought.





The Spirit of life causes Thee
By Thy Word to transfer to me.
Thy Spirit touched, Thy word received,
Thy life in me is thus conceived.

In no other way could we be
Sanctified and share Thy vict’ry;
Thus only spiritual we’ll be
And touch the life of glory.

Lord, Thou wilt soon appear,
Thy day is almost here.
Oh, how we love Thy coming soon!
We have no other
Lord, life, or lover
Than Thou, Lord Jesus, our Bridegroom!
The hour is drawing nigh,
Soon we shall hear Thy cry
And with Thee on the clouds descend.
Oh what an hour sweet
When Bride and Bridegroom meet
And love surpassing comprehend.
The moments fly apace,
Soon we shall see Thy face!
Amen, Lord Jesus! Quickly come!
We long Thyself to see
And with Thee ever be,
Thou who our inmost heart hath won.
’Tis but a moment now;
Thou, our Lord Bridegroom, Thou
Soon wilt return to claim Thy Bride.
O Hallelujah!
’Tis this we long for,
And Thou too wilt be satisfied.

I cannot breathe enough of Thee,
O gentle breeze of love;
More fragrant than the myrtle tree
The Henna-flower* is to me,
The Balm of Heaven above.

I cannot gaze enough on Thee,
Thou Fairest of the Fair;
My heart is filled with ecstasy,
As in Thy face of radiancy
I see such beauty there.

I cannot yield enough to Thee,
My Savior, Master, Friend;
I do not wish to go out free,
But ever, always, willingly,
To serve Thee to the end.

I cannot sing enough of Thee,
The sweetest name on earth;
A note so full of melody
Comes from my heart so joyously,
And fills my soul with mirth.

I cannot speak enough of Thee,
I have so much to tell;
Thy heart it beats so tenderly
As Thou dost draw me close to Thee,
And whisper, “All is well.”

To God be the glory, great things He hath done,
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yielded His life our redemption to win,
And opened the life-gate that all may go in.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice;
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the people rejoice;
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.

Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done,
And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;
But purer, and higher, and greater will be
Our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see.

Oh, perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,
To every believer the promise of God;
The vilest offender who truly believes,
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee,
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King;
Take my lips, and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee,
Filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold;
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect, and use
Every power as Thou shalt choose,
Every power as Thou shalt choose.
Take my will, and make it Thine;
It shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart; it is Thine own;
It shall be Thy royal throne,
It shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love; my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure-store.
Take myself, and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee,
Ever, only, all for Thee.

God’s intention is to have us
All conformed to His dear Son;
Thus a work of transformation
By the Spirit must be done.
Lord, transform us to Thine image
In emotion, mind, and will;
Saturate us with Thy Spirit,
All our being wholly fill.

God hath us regenerated
In our spirit with His life;
But He must transform us further-
In our soul by His own life.

Spreading outward from our spirit
Doth the Lord transform our soul,
By the inward parts renewing,
Till within His full control.

By the power of His Spirit
In His pattern He transforms;
From His glory to His glory
To His image He conforms.

He transforms, all sanctifying,
Till like Him we are matured;
He transforms, our soul possessing,
Till His stature is secured.