One with Thee, Thou Son eternal,
Joined by faith in spirit one,
Share we in Thy death inclusive
And Thy life, O God the Son.
One with Thee, Thou Son beloved,
Part of Thee become thru grace,
Heirs with Thee of our one Father,
We’re Thy Spirit’s dwelling place.

One with Thee, Thou Son incarnate,
Born with Thee, the Man of worth,
We, the members of Thy body,
Sojourn with Thee here on earth.
One with Thee, Thou Son anointed,
Sharing too the Spirit’s power,
We in full cooperation
Labor with Thee hour by hour.

One with Thee, Thou Son forsaken,
Judgment and the curse we’ve passed;
We to sin are dead forever,
Hell beneath our feet is cast.
One with Thee in resurrection,
Death can never us oppress;
Live we in Thy new creation,
Bearing fruits of righteousness.

One with Thee, Thou Son ascended,
Seated with Thee on the throne,
Thine authority we share and
Rule with Thee, Thy rank our own.
One with Thee, Thou Son returning,
Glorified with Thee we’ll be,
E’er to manifest Thy beauty,
One with Thee eternally.

We are never weary singing our eternal song:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We would sing His praise forever with our spirit strong:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
O the children of the Lord have a wondrous song to sing,
For the Lord will by His grace many sons to glory bring.
We are going in that day to the presence of the King:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are lost amid the rapture of redeeming love:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are seeking every moment all its grace to prove:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are going on to glory as the Lord has told:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
Where the King in all His beauty we shall soon behold:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
There we’ll sing His grace and mercy in a glad new song:
Glory to God, hallelujah!
There we’ll praise our glorious Savior with the blessed throng:
Glory to God, hallelujah!

My family (sister & brother-in-law) introduced me to the local church in Los Angeles at Eldon Hall in the 1960’s. At that time I was one that participated only outwardly, eventually I stopped meeting with the local church. For over 30 years, nothing could satisfy me-not money, education, pleasure, success nor religion!

Today the Lord in my mingled spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17) says, “Welcome home brother!” I now declare home-sweet-home is the local church. The Lord had me start meeting in the local church again over 4 years ago.

Today by the Lord’s mercy I have one living-a full time church life. Praise the Lord for the reality of His organic Body expressed—around the world.

Lou Hamann 


I was saved when I was a little girl of seven years old at a Billy Graham Crusade. Later, in my teenage years, I sought satisfaction and happiness in athletics, relationships, and the physical pleasures of life. Still dissatisfied, I wondered if there was anything that could meet the deep longing and need in my being. At times I thought surely I must be the only one on earth that had this problem. Before I turned 20, circumstances brought me to my knees and I cried out to the Lord. I told Him I didn’t want to try to fill this void with the things I was doing anymore—that I just wanted Him. At this point the hunger and thirst in my being grew and I began to seek fellowship with other believers. The word of God became real to me and I would read it whenever I had the chance. Many times I would be at Christian functions seeking fellowship with someone who desired to talk about the Lord and read some verses together, but to my great disappointment I rarely found such a one. I did not know then why I still was not fully satisfied and the longing for reality still was so strong deep within.

I was married at 24, had my first child at 26 and went to a Bible college that year. I thought the mission field or some Christian work would meet my deep need. I enjoyed the required Bible time, but fellowship with others was so doctrinal and dry. My personal situation had also become very difficult and I felt I had no one to turn to. One long desperate night I was on my knees again crying out to the Lord. I told the Lord I knew in Ephesians the apostle Paul talked about the Body of Christ being His fullness and that all the members were being built together, but where was this happening (1:23; 4:16)? I cried, “Lord, is there any believer that wants this? Where are your people, Lord? You have to show me!” I was comforted by the Lord to release the heaviness.

That summer through some detailed, sovereign circumstances we met some believers who loved the Lord, and whose fellowship watered and fed my famished being. I could not explain it but I felt like I was at home. At last my longing was satisfied. This was the reality of the church! It was Christ in all the believers. I learned how calling on the name of the Lord taps into a fountain deep in my being that gushes up into eternal life. I learned that this was my human spirit according to John 4:24, Philippians 4:23, Galatians 6:18 and many more verses. I also found that a practice called pray-reading the Bible (reading the Bible prayerfully (Ephesians 6:17-18)) filled my hunger and thirst. What a revelation! Why did I not know about this before now? I learned also that this was all revealed in the ministry of Watchman Nee and his co-worker Witness Lee. I was so grateful to the Lord for all their speaking. Every time Witness Lee spoke or I read something by Watchman Nee, it met my need and caused me to love and appreciate the Lord more and always gave me a supply of life.

I am now 42 and have come through many dealings and trails, but I am still receiving revelation from the Lord in this ministry according to the Word and will pursue and love the Lord until He returns for His Bride, the overcomers in this age (Revelation 21:2,9-10,7). Hallelujah!

J. M.

I was raised in a Christian home. Even though I opened to the Lord when I was very young and I believe now that I was saved, my mother always said that you could never know if you were really saved, you just hoped that you were. Therefore I was in much turmoil through my teen years feeling I wasn’t really saved.

Our family was also musical. My brother and sisters and I sang as a trio and played many different instruments as “special music” in all different denominations. Being exposed to so many different denominations caused me to consider very much, even as a young person, why all the Christians were divided and separated, even though they used the same Bible and seemingly believed the same basic truths. It bothered me that different church buses would come from across town and pick up my neighbors even though there was a place we could have all met together right down the street.

I married a Christian man when I was 18; he was 21. We lived way up north in Canada. I had two little boys and then a baby girl, who died when she was six months old. I had one more little boy. When he was two years old, my husband died suddenly of a ruptured appendix. The Lord used all these circumstances to cause me to desperately seek Him. In my desperate need I cried out to Him and I found Him. At last I knew I was saved and that He lived in me. He was so very, very real.

Then my search began. I had such a seeking within to meet and fellowship with other Christians, but where? I tried many places and many meetings. I was very hungry. I just wanted reality! My heart was drawn to the verses about the church being the Body of Christ and becoming His glorious spotless bride (Ephesians 1:22-23; 5:27). I went to a meeting one night and the visiting minister shared that what the Lord wanted and needed was for all the Christians in each city to drop every name and anything else that would divide them and just meet together simply as believers and that if they would do this that the Lord would manifest Himself through His corporate Body. I saw the vision. I said, “Lord I see what you want, but how can it ever happen? There must be at least 25 different denominations just in this one little area.” Then I spoke very boldly to the Lord “If you are the Lord, and I know that you are, and if this is what you want (and now I know it is) then you must put me in it!!” A very short time later I was given The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee. I saw the reality of the precious blood of Jesus for the first time!

Shortly after, He brought me to the local Church. A dear seeking sister called me and said “Come to Vancouver, I’ve found the church! We packed up everything and went. When I entered this small meeting, the peace I experienced in my being was overwhelming. My whole being said “I’m home!!” My search was ended. That was 28 years ago. The Lord has fully answered my cry for reality. “The law was given by Moses, but grace and reality came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17) Reality is the living, loving person of Jesus Christ Himself!! Day by day, year after year, through the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, I have been experiencing with other believers the full reality of that marvelous verse: “Oh the depth of riches and the wisdom and knowledge of God.” (Romans 11:33) Praise His wonderful, uplifted, glorious, ascended name.

Barbara Janet Greenwood

In 1964 as a young man of 22 years old, I was searching for a deeper meaning in my life. As a result of coming in contact with a group of teenage Christians who impressed me very much because they were very happy and full of the joy of the Lord, I was motivated to give my whole life to the Lord.

Within the next four years I attended various Christian groups and denominations in search of a oneness with other Christians and a deeper understanding of the Bible. In 1967 I joined the United States Navy for four years, and during that time in 1968 through contact with some Christians in Norfolk, Virginia, I was able to obtain some Christian books by Watchman Nee. Through the writings of Watchman Nee many truths of the Bible became very clear to me, such as; the Body of Christ, eternal life, oneness, the three parts of man, the transformation of the soul, the cross, the kingdom, and my purpose as a member of the Body of Christ.

Prior to my departure from the United States Navy, I realized through the writings of Watchman Nee that there were local churches in different cities throughout the USA. During that time I had visited The church in New York, and my first two impressions of the two meetings that I attended are; 1) God’s life was flowing in all of the members, and 2) God’s light was shining within them. In the past five years I had never experienced this before. During that time the Lord gave me a verse, which was 1 John 1:5, “And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” This verse and my experience had assured me that my search had ended.

After my leaving the United States Navy in 1971, I immediately began meeting with the church in New York form 1971 to 1977. From 1977 to 1985 my wife and I met with the church in Atlanta, and from 1985 to present, we have been meeting with the church in Nashville.

In summary, over the past 29 years concerning my experience of meeting with the local churches, and reading the writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, my life has change to the extent that the Bible is very clear to me and I love the Lord and all believers who are members of the Body of Christ, very much.

John Sparks

I was saved at age seven. My parents must have instilled in me a rich foundation in Christ because I remember being separated from many worldly things. Growing up as a believer in the local church was not always easy; I faced the same difficulties and obstacles that many typical kids faced. During my teenage years, I felt a degree of rebellion towards my parents, but deep within, the verse from the Bible that says to “honor my parents” (Ephesians 6:2-3) kept coming back to me. No matter what I did or what I was going through, my parents always nurtured me and took loving care of me. Still, my walk in Christ was waning and I felt my heart being drawn into the world.

Then, during college, I met a Christian brother who had a seeking heart for the Lord. It was through this fellowship that my love for the Lord was rekindled.

Today we are married and have three girls and are enjoying Christ daily in the church. The Lord has always supplied me and His Word has preserved me. The writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee have been a tremendous help to me in apprehending Christ in my daily experiences of Him. Through the writings of these two brothers in Christ, I have the deep sense that they labored much to seek the truths in the Bible.

Joy Cortez